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Tax Preparation and Planning with APPS

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Helping clients save time and money since 1998

Privacy Policy


"We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of your personal financial information. ​In compliance with legal requirements, we are providing you with our Privacy Policy, which outlines our ​practices concerning the collection, use, and sharing of your data.

Information We Collect

Our primary objective is to ensure that your personal financial data remain secure and private. During our ​engagement, we will collect nonpublic personal information about you and/or members of your household, as well as ​business information if applicable. These various sources may include:

  • Interviews (and verbal communications) with you regarding your tax and/or business situations.
  • Information submitted via your secure client portal, including all documents you upload into your secure ​portal, that may include verification of Social Security Numbers, dependent records and ​address/telephone contact information.
  • Tax-related documents provided to us to prepare necessary tax returns such as: Forms W-2, 1099-INT, ​1099-DIV, 1099-B and 1099-R and any and all other IRS required tax filing documents.
  • Any and all other documents you provide to us to assist in completing the preparation of your tax ​returns.

Use of Information

We utilize this nonpublic personal information solely to provide services related to completing your tax returns ​and planning future tax strategies. We ensure that this information is used strictly within the bounds of our ​service agreement with you

Sharing of Information

We do not share your nonpublic personal information, including information about our clients, prospective ​clients, or former clients, with any third parties. The only exception is if required by law.

Access to Records

We restrict access to nonpublic personal information concerning you, except to our employees who need such ​information in order to provide services to you. We maintain all physical, electronic and procedural safeguards ​that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at:

Effective Date

This Privacy Policy is effective as of our first interaction with you.

We reserve the right to update or modify this policy at any time, and any changes will be communicated to you ​promptly.

Thank you for trusting us with your information. We are committed to maintaining your privacy and ​security.

Tax Preparation and Planning With APPS